Co-Pastor Shontée 

Co-Pastor Shonte Elder Shontée L. Blankenship, serves as the co-pastor alongside her husband, Senior Pastor DaShaun L. Blankenship, of  House of Mercy Everlasting, Inc.(H.O.M.E.). Both are consumed with impacting the lives of people where they lead a  flock  of believers in Posen, IL.  

Elder Shontée, a woman of prayer and faith, has a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. She believes that staying in prayer is where the mind of God for His church is revealed. Through prophetic revelation she inspirationally motivates, equips and uplifts all those she touches. Her desire is that every person be fully awakened to Jesus and flourish with  power and purpose for kingdom living.

Elder Shontée was called by God as a licensed minister of the gospel in 2007 and ordained as an elder in 2012 while under the tutelage of Pastor Gerald L. Glasper and co-pastor Toni Glasper of Rhema Word Kingdom Ministries.There she  began her ministry as a prayer intercessor and later called to the office of prophet. She was also the armour bearer to the  co- pastor, and as an elder on the Elders' Council she helped train, license and ordain those called to ministry.
Elder Shontée received a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from Illinois State University and a master's degree in social work from Loyola University.  She currently works at the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services as a Daycare Licensing Supervisor where she has been employed for 24+ years.

Elder Shontée has been married to Pastor DaShaun for 15 years.  Both are the proud parents of two sons, Brandon and Gabriel, of which they all reside in Homewood, Illinois.