Pastor DaShaun

Pastor DeShaun 

 Pastor DaShaun L. Blankenship is a captivating visionary, with an unyielding passion and love for winning the lost to Christ.      So much so, one prominent pastor even gave him the nick name - “Man on Fire!”

 Having accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal savior at the early age of 10, it wasn’t until June 7th. 1996 when          Pastor DaShaun was led by the Holy Spirit to rededicate his life to Christ, which is also when he became completely sold        out and “on-fire” for committing his life to serving the Lord and His church.

 In 2000, Pastor DaShaun, as a member of Rhema Word Kingdom Ministries, where Elder Gerald L. Glasper is Sr. Pastor        and Elder Toni Glasper Co-Pastor, accepted his call into ministry. Then, some years later, in 2005, Pastor DaShaun was  officially licensed as a minister. In May of 2009, having received a promotion from the Lord, Pastor DaShaun was elevated      even higher, as an ordained Elder. Pastor DaShaun walks in the office of the prophet where he flows strongly in the ministry of  healing and deliverance and stands boldly on the scripture - “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that  he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Numbers  23:19)

For 11 years Pastor DaShaun served faithfully as the chief servant over the “Men of Rhema” men’s ministry, where he was used as a “towel in God’s hand” to help men to grow up in their most “holiest of faith,” as they sought God to become more like Jesus!

As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Pastor DaShaun has not only been blessed to reach God’s people in the pulpit on Sunday mornings with his powerful, life-changing preaching, but also in a number of very prolific and profound ways. One such way was in the “Dove” foundation award winning movie “Believe: The Misfit Pawn,” where Pastor DaShaun portrays a "fiery" preacher giving such a powerful message, that it puts the entire congregation in a new-found awe of their God!  Another blessed display of how the Lord has used Pastor DaShaun can be found in the recently released Christian magazine “The Shepherd's Staff.”  Pastor DaShaun not only gives a passionate, introspective interview, which captivates and draws the reader into a better understanding as to where his true strength comes from, but he also elequently graces the cover of the magazine too!  Finally, Pastor DaShaun can be heard every Thursday morning at 5:30 AM on WYCA 102.3 FM Radio.  “WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” This is the clarion call that he makes to every believer in the Body of Jesus Christ on his weekly program – “The Gospel Alarm Clock!” He teaches and preaches boldly with Holy-Ghost-Fire that – “THE TIME OF THE VISITATION OF THE LORD IS NOW!”

Pastor DaShaun attended both Western Illinois University, in Macomb Illinois and DePaul University in Chicago Illinois, where he majored in Marketing and Finance with a minor in Psychology, and was also honored as a “Who’s Who” among college students known throughout the United States.  While attending Western Illinois University, Pastor DaShaun was a member of the prestigious business fraternity “PHI-BETTA-LAMBDA” and even more prestigious honors fraternity “PHI-THETA-KAPPA.” He completed his education from DePaul University in 1988.

Pastor DaShaun has been married to his beautiful, loving and faithful wife Shontée for 13 years, who is also an ordained Elder and the Co-Pastor of “House of Mercy Everlasting.” They have two wonderful and handsome sons – "Mighty men of God,” Brandon and Gabriel, both of whom are saved and both which gave their life to the Lord at the age of “4” years, with full knowledge of the meaning of their confession.  Gabriel, who is the youngest, has already preached his first sermon, which was entitled “The Joy of the Lord is my strength!”

Pastor DaShaun’s burden is that all God’s children know that their heavenly father loves and cares for them with an everlasting love and desires for each of them to make His house their home, which is why he always invites them to “House of Mercy Everlasting (HOME), by saying “Welcome HOME.”